"Creating the foundation for generational heritage."

Lemveli is the Xhosa word for Heritage.

At Lemveli Consulting we build and maintain structures that include holding companies and trusts for business owners. We provide solutions for effective estate planning and business efficiency.

Our team of professionals are dedicated to, and understand the value of planning now for future success.

We build and maintain structures for business owners and individuals to limit their personal risk and ensure they leave their families with a cost effective legacy that creates a heritage for future generations.

Whether you are an experienced business man, a young entrepreneur or an individual wanting to preserve wealth, having the right structures are essential.

Our team of professionals are approachable and dedicated to help you build your legacy and to provide a tailormade service to suit your needs.

Contact Details


Herkie: 071 861 9299


The Wayback Machine - http://www.lemveli.com:80/

Tanya: 072 376 7434


Address: 1st Floor, Block A, 30 Peter place, Bryanston